Monday, May 31, 2021

Fontainebleau Palace, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Fontainebleau Palace, France

Weather: Sunny skies, 53/74F.

Route: From Paris 69 km SSE on A6.

Significance: It started as a hunting lodge in the 12th century. In the 16th century it was turned into a renaissance style palace by Francois I. Restored by Napoleon after the revolution - it was said to be his favorite place to live.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



The main palace buildings (from

Large park surrounds the palace (from

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Paris, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Paris, France

Weather: Generally sunny, 54/74F.

Route: From Versailles 24 km ENE on A13.

Population: 2,175,601

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



Video by me of our trip to Paris in 2009


Aerial view of Ile de la Cite, including Notre-Dame (from

Panorama of Paris with Eiffel Tower in the background (from

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Versailles Palace and Park, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Versailles Palace and Park, France 

Weather: Mostly cloudy in the morning then periods of showers later in the day, 51/70F.

Route: From Chartres 88 km ENE on A11 and A10.

Significance: The ideal palace of the 17th century, Versailles was built to impress foreign dignitaries and control the aristocracy. The famous hall of mirrors and vast gardens are still impressive today.



The palace from one of the many water features (from

The hall of mirrors (from

Friday, May 28, 2021

Chartres Cathedral, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Chartres Cathedral, France

Weather: Some sun in the morning with increasing clouds during the afternoon, 51/70F.

Route: From Mont-Saint-Michel 194 km east on A81 and A11.

Population: 38,462

Significance: Probably the best example of gothic architecture in the world - the cathedral was built in the 12th and 13th centuries. Known for its beautiful original stained glass and supporting flying buttresses.



The front western facade (from

Detail of the one of entrances (from

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Mont-Saint-Michel, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Mont-Saint-Michel, France

Weather: Partly cloudy, 48/65F.

Route: From Chambord 334 km WNW on A28.

Significance: One of the most iconic abbeys in the world, set on a small island just off the coast. Most of it was built in the 12th and 13th centuries. 

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



The abbey and island from the coast (from

The courtyard (from

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Chateau of Chambord, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Chateau of Chombord, France

Weather: Overcast with rain showers at times, 46/62F.

Route: From Bourges 107 km NNW on A71.

Significance: A masterpiece of the Renaissance, Francis I built it soon after his friend Leonardo da Vinci died in the 16th century.  The architect was Dominico da Cortana, but some of the features, like the spiral staircase were at least influenced by da Vinci designs. The chateau was built to show off Francis' power. The cheateau was initially the UNESCO World Heritage Site, but it has been updated to include the entire Loire valley.



The chateau at sunset (from

The chateau and gardens (from

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Bourges Cathedral, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Bourges Cathedral, France

Weather: Partly cloudy skies in the morning giving way to cloudy skies in the afternoon, 47/62F.

Route: From Vezelay 126 km WSW on N151.

Population: 64,668

Significance: Bourge Cathedral was a gothic masterpiece of the 12th and 13th centuries. There have been updates in the 16th and 18th centuries - making it a bit of an architectural hodge podge.



The Cathedral (from

The inside of the cathedral (from

Monday, May 24, 2021

Vezelay, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Vezelay, France

Weather: Rain, 44/59F

Route: From Montbard 67 km WSW on D957.

Significance: It was founded in the 9th century and soon became popular as a pilgrimage site when it acquired the relics of Mary Magdalene. It was the starting point for the second and third crusades in the 12th century.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



The hill town of Vezelay (from

The 12th century church (from

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay, France

Weather: Partly cloudy, 47/63F.

Route: From Lyon 254 km north on A6.

Significance: It was founded in 1119 by St. Bernard. He believed that many monasteries had lost their way by being too ornamented and ostentatious. He taught his monks to live a simpler life. He even thought a cross was too much decoration.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



The Abbey (from

Corridor by the courtyard (from

Friday, May 21, 2021

Prehistoric Sites of the Vezere Valley, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Montignac, France

Weather: Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers, 47/61F.

Route: From Bordeaux 185 km east on A89.

Significance: There are 25 caves in the Vezere valley that were decorated during the paleolithic era, most around 17,000 years ago. The most famous cave, Lascaux cave, was found in 1940. After a few decades of thousands of people visiting the site the images started to decay. The caves were finally closed in 1963 to protect them.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



Images of animals (from

The limestone cliffs that contain the caves (from

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Bordeaux, France - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Bordeaux, France

Weather: Cloudy skies, 52/71F.

Route: From Bilbao 335 km NNE on AP-8 and A63.

Population: 257,068

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



Place la Bourse (from

Porte Cailhau (from

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Bilbao, Spain

Place: Bilbao, Spain

Weather: Light rain early, a mix of sun and clouds in the afternoon 46/63F.

Route: From Cave of Altamira 125 km east on A-8.

Population: 345,821


Guggenheim Museum and Le Salve in the background (from

The river estuary cuts through downtown with hills in the background (from

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Cave of Altamira, Spain - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Cave of Altamira, Spain

Weather: Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers, 49/60F.

Route: From San Millan 250 km NW on AP-68 and A-8.

Significance: Paleolithic cave paintings are always so mysterious. Who painted this and why? Was it some weird member of the community who saw things differently? Or was he/she celebrated for their work and it was a big part of the community?  These paintings were between 15-25,000 years ago.  The most common painting was of buffalo, but there are many other animals and even some mysterious symbols.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site 



Some of the many images of buffalo (from

Monday, May 17, 2021

San Millan Yuso and Suso Monasteries, Spain - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: San Millan, Spain

Weather: Considerable cloudiness, 42/63F.

Route: From Burgos 88 km on N-120.

Significance: St Millan was a 6th century aesthetic monk, who started a monastery in a cave, and whose followers built first a small church near the cave and then a in the 16th century a larger monastery below the cave.  The cave is still a popular place for pilgrims. The first books on record in the Castilian language, predecessor of modern Spanish, were found here.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



The small monastery of Suso built into the cave (from

The larger Yuso monastery below in the valley built in the 16th century (from

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Burgos, Spain - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Burgos, Spain

Weather: Partly cloudy 43/63F.

Route: From Oviedo 297 km SE on AP-66 and A-231.

Population: 175,921

Significance: The world heritage listing is actually specific to the Burgos Cathedral. It was built in the 13th century and is the greatest example of Gothic architecture in Spain. 

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



The Burgos cathedral (from

The interior of the cathedral (from

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Oviedo and Kingdom of the Asturias, Spain - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Oviedo, Spain

Weather: Cloudy with occasional light rain, 50/61F.

Route: From Lugo 249 km ENE on A-8.

Population: 220,020

Significance: The only area of the Iberian peninsula that was never taken over by Muslims was the Kingdom of Asturias in Northern Spain. There are several pre-Romanesque style churches built in the 9th century, which are symbolic of the beginning of the christian reconquista, which took almost 700 years to be fully realized.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



Santa Maria del Naranco (from

Cathedral of San Salvador (from