Monday, May 17, 2021

San Millan Yuso and Suso Monasteries, Spain - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: San Millan, Spain

Weather: Considerable cloudiness, 42/63F.

Route: From Burgos 88 km on N-120.

Significance: St Millan was a 6th century aesthetic monk, who started a monastery in a cave, and whose followers built first a small church near the cave and then a in the 16th century a larger monastery below the cave.  The cave is still a popular place for pilgrims. The first books on record in the Castilian language, predecessor of modern Spanish, were found here.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



The small monastery of Suso built into the cave (from

The larger Yuso monastery below in the valley built in the 16th century (from

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