Thursday, May 13, 2021

Santiago de Compostela, Spain - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Weather: Cloudy with occasional light rain, 46/59F.

Route: From Oporto 231 km north on A3  and AP-9.

Population: 96,405

Significance: Other than Rome, Santiago de Compostela has been the greatest pilgrimage site in Christianity.  People still walk from as far away as England (with a short boat trip of course) to this town that was founded after a hermit supposedly found the tomb of the apostle Saint James. James became the symbol of the fight against Muslims on the Iberian peninsula and beyond in the middle ages.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



The view pilgrims see as they approach Santiago de Compostela (from

The cathedral at night (from

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