Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Denver, CO

Place: Denver, CO
Weather: Mostly Sunny 52/81F
Route: From Colorado Springs 70 miles north on I-25 N
Population: 727,211 (2019)
Nicknames: The Mile High City, Wall Street of the West
Places to Visit: Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver Art Museum, Molly Brown House Museum, Red Rocks Park.
Personal note: Kendra and I lived here for over 3 years - moving to Milwaukee at the beginning of March. Overall we've been focused on our new jobs and making Milwaukee our home - but looking at pictures of Denver and Colorado Springs the last few days does make me miss those amazing views and the great people we got to know there.

The skyline and Mt. Evans from City Park (taken by me)

Red Rocks Amphitheatre (taken by me)

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