Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Louisville, NE

Place: Louisville, NE
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 70/88F
Route: From Otoe 25 miles north on US-50 N
Population: 1,295 (2018)
Genealogy: Just 25 minutes north of Otoe is Louisville (the "s" is not silent), where my grandpa Gene was born.  His mother Mabel's maiden name was Ward - the same Ward's that I wrote about back when we were in Newark.  My grandpa was the 3rd generation of Ingram's to be born in Louisville. His great-grandfather Adam came over from Scotland in the 1850's. Adam started one of the first farms in the area in the late 1850's just after Nebraska became a territory.  Land ownership was a little sketchy back then.  It appears that he worked the land that had been given to veteran of the War with Mexico who lived in Louisiana.  However, these land grants were dependent on the beneficiary improving the land - which apparently this guy never did.  So, in 1864 the land was then given by the U.S. government to Adam.  The cool thing is that these land grants or patents had to be signed by the president - so, the image below shows Adam Ingram's land grant - signed by Abraham Lincoln.

Land grant to Adam Ingram signed by Abraham Lincoln.

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