Wednesday, June 24, 2020

One Place Boston, MA - The Freedom Trail

Ok, I cheated.  The Freedom Trail isn't one place, it's a collection of places. But there isn't really any large city in America that has such a collection of 18th century buildings.  And they work together as a collection more than singling out any one in particular.
Here are some of the highlights: 
1) Granary Burying Ground - Where John Hancock, Paul Revere, Sam Adams, and Benjamin Franklin's parents - among many more - are buried. I really love an old cemetery. It makes history come alive - since it gives some insight as to how they wanted to be remembered.
2) Old South Meeting House - Where many of the most important meetings of the revolution took place - including where people met before heading over to throw all that tea in the harbor.
3) Old State House - The seat of government during the colonial days - it was just outside this building where the Boston Massacre happened in 1770. One of the major events that started America towards independence.
4) Faneuil Hall - Another place where many of the revolutionaries met before and during the Revolutionary War.
5) Paul Revere House - I like this one because it's so old (1680) and it gives us an idea how some people lived back then as it's the only house on the trail.
6) Old North Church - Where Paul Revere started his ride.
7) Bunker Hill Monument - Site of the 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill.

There are more sites - but I'll stop there.

Granary Burying Ground (from

The Old State House (from

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