Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Isfahan, Iran

 Place: Isfahan, Iran

Weather: Mainly sunny, 70/104F.

Route: From Persepolis 424 km north on route 65.

Population: 1,961,260

Places to visit: Vank Cathedral, Isfahan Music Museum, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Khaju Bridge, Shah Mosque, Jameh Mosque (UNESCO World Heritage Site), Ali Qapu Palace, Chehel Sotoun, Hasht Behesht Palace, Masjid-i-Shah, Meiden Imam (UNESCO World Heritage Site), Atashgah, Bedkhem Church, Hamam-e Ali Gholi Agha, Museum of Islamic Heritage.


Imam Square (from heartmybackpack.com)

Shah Mosque (from iranthisway.com)

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