Sunday, July 26, 2020

Nahanni National Park - UNESCO World Heritage Site

Place: Nahanni National Park
Weather: Intervals of clouds and sunshine, 55/78F.
Route: From Yellowknife 699 km west on Frontier Trail, Mackenzie highway, Yellowknife highway, NT-3 S.
Significance: I have to admit that I didn't have any idea that this kind of natural landscape existed in this part of Canada. The main axis of the park is the South Nahanni River, "one of the most spectacular wild rivers in North America" as UNESCO says.  There are few roads in the park - so most people travel by air to different areas of the park.  There are a diverse number of animal species, including the expected caribou and bear.  Granite peaks rise dramatically from the meadows. Virginia Falls, one of the largest falls in the Americas is also within the park.


Virginia Falls, twice the size of Niagara (from

South Nahanni River (from

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