Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Waterton Glacier International Peace Park - UNESCO World Heritage Site

Place: Waterton Glacier International Peace Park
Weather: Generally sunny, 57/82F.
Route: From Head-smashed-in Buffalo Jump 90 km on AB-785 W and AB-6 S.
Significance: The Canadian part of this (first ever) International Peace Park is called Waterton Lakes National Park. Like its neighbor Glacier National Park to the south, it features incredibly dramatic landscapes and diverse amount of plants and animals including top carnivores like grizzly bear, cougar, grey wolf, and wolverine.  The landscape is so dramatic due in part to millions of years of glacial activity.  There are over 600 glacial lakes over the two parks.



Waterton Lake (from experiencemountainparks.com)

A local enjoys the waters of Waterton Lake (from thecanadianencylopedia.ca)

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