Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Billings, MT

Place: Billings, MT
Weather: Sunny skies, 61/93F
Route: From Glacier National Park 414 mi SE on US-89 S, MT-44 E, I-15 S, US-87 S, US-12 E, MT-3 S.
Population: 109,577 (2019)
Nicknames: Magic City, City by the Rims, Star of the Big Sky Country, Montana's Trailhead.
Note: I included Pompey's Pillar and Little Bighorn because, though technically not in Billings, they are two important places to think about White Europeans move westward and the Native Americans resistance to that immigration.  Pompey's Pillar was an important site on the Lewis and Clark Expedition - so much so that William Clark etched his signature onto the rock.  Little Bighorn was of course "Custer's Last Stand." This victory for the Lakota is where Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull solidified their reputations as important Native American leaders.


Downtown Billings with The Rimrocks in the background (from visitmt.com)

Swords Park Trail (from billingsparks.com)

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