Saturday, August 1, 2020

Juneau to Prince Rupert, British Columbia - The Alaska Marine Highway

Place: The Alaska Marine Highway from Juneau to Prince Rupert, BC
Weather: Rainy, 53/61F. 
Route: From Juneau 409 miles SSE on ferry from Juneau to Ketchikan and ferry from Ketchikan to Prince Rupert.
The Alaskan Marine Highway: It actually stretches for 3,100 miles from the southwestern tip of Alaska to Bellingham, Washington.  It is a part of the national highway system and receives some federal funding.  The coast of Alaska is so broken up that it is basically impossible to build a highway there. So, they came up with a ferry system. Our trip from Juneau to Prince Rupert would last 26 hours.  The accommodations are relatively spartan. On the longest part of the trip from Juneau to Ketchikan there would be sleeping quarters available, but the food is cafeteria style. No tuxedo balls on these ships.  We apparently didn't hit a very good patch of weather - so the visibility to the natural beauty around us would be somewhat limited - but I'm sure it would still be pretty.


Our home for a little over 24 hours (from

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