Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Sangha Trinational Park, Cameroon/Central African Republic/Republic of Congo - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Sangha Trinational Park, Cameroon/Central African Republic/Republic of Congo

Weather: Mostly cloudy, 74/96F.

Route: From Mikongo 1,026 km ENE on N3.

Significance: Includes national parks in three countries in the Congo Basin, over 750,000 hectares of forests and wetlands. These protected environments include a huge diversity of plants and animals, many of them endangered, such as the Western Lowland Gorilla.  These areas have been one of the most successful in Africa in terms of protection from poaching and illegal logging.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site


A clearing in Dzanga with elephants (from whc.unesco.org)

Western Lowland Gorilla (from whc.unesco.org)

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