Monday, September 7, 2020

Archaeological Zone of Paquime, Casas Grande, Mexico - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Archaeological Zone of Paquime, Casas Grande, Mexico

Weather: Sunshine, 68/95F

Route: From Carlsbad Cavern 327 miles WSW on US-180 W, Mexico 2, Mexico 10.

Significance: Today is pretty cool - after 159 posts I am finally outside of the English speaking world. I do have a few more posts in the western U.S. - but soon we will be entering Mexico and traveling south all the way to South America. 

It is unknown whether the people who made this "large house" of 2,000 rooms were from the Pueblo people to the north or from Mesoamerica to the south - but it was an important connection between the two civilizations.  It reached it's height in the 14th and 15th centuries and then died out after the invasion of the Spanish.

Websites: UNESCO World Heritage Site, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia.



Casas Grande (from

Vase with horned serpent found at Paquime (from

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