Saturday, September 12, 2020

Watts Towers, Los Angeles, CA

 Place: Watts Towers

Significance: A series of 17 towers built by Simon Rodia, an Italian immigrant construction worker, over 33 years from 1921-1954.  The highest of the towers is almost 100 feet up in the air. Rodia called the project "Nuersto Pueblo" (our town).  It is probably the best known example of folk or outsider art in the U.S. if not the world. It is also a great piece of architecture - tests have shown it to be very strong despite the fact that its foundation is only 14 inches deep.  The main skeleton of the structure is made of steel - decorated with found pieces of porcelain, tile, glass, mirrors, seashells etc.  Many of those objects were brought to him by neighborhood children - including the great jazz bassist Charles Mingus.

It is a great example of what art really is supposed to be about - the expression of the artist.  We all have the ability to create, but those of us who are less skilled usually feel silly about even attempting to make something. Wouldn't society be different if we were all encouraged to create rather than restricting art making to only the few?  


The largest of the towers (from

The main gate (from

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