Monday, September 28, 2020

Xochicalco - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Xochicalco Archaeological Zone

Weather: Scattered thunderstorms, 65/83F

Route: From Mexico City 127 km south on Mexico 95 D.

Significance: After the downfall of Teotihuacon in the 7th century C.E. there was a power vacuum in central Mexico. Many other city states fell around this time period as well. Those cities that developed had less power and were more defensively postured than earlier city states.  One of the cities that developed during this time was Xochicalco. Built on a series of hills and surrounded by a defensive wall - Xochicalco was built to defend its inhabitants during an unstable time - similar to the middle ages in Europe.

Websites: UNESCO World Heritage Site, INAH



Largest complex of buildings in Xochicalco (from

Pyramid of the Feathered Serpents (from

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