Thursday, September 3, 2020

Taos Pueblo, NM - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Taos Pueblo, NM

Weather: Sunny, 46/84F.

Route: From Santa Fe 73 miles NE on US-285 N, NM-68 N.

Significance: While Mesa Verde and Chaco Canyon have evidence of cultures that peaked 800 years ago and were abandoned due to decades long drought - the Taos Pueblo is still currently inhabited.  The adobe buildings - some 5 stories high have been inhabited for 1,000 years. The people here have experienced countless invasions from other tribes, the conquest of the Spanish, and the westward expansion of the United States government - and yet their culture still remains. There are 150 people who live in the pueblo full-time.  The pueblo is governed by the the Pueblo people and their tribal governor.f



Taos Pueblo (from

Ruins of Mission of San Geronimo de Taos - built by the Spanish in the mid-1600's (from

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