Thursday, March 18, 2021

Pompei, Italy - UNESCO World Heritage Site

Place: Pompei, Italy

Weather:  Rain showers, 46/53F.

Route: From Positano 37.5 km north on SS163 and SS145.

Significance: Likely the most famous archaeological ruins in the world - famous because they are less like ruins and more like time travel. The volcanic ash dumped on Pompei from Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD preserved much of the town. The UNESCO World Heritage Site actually also includes the nearby resort of Herculaneum and four villas.  The bright painting found on a recently excavated walk-up restaurant last year captured the world's imagination.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



One of the many colorful frescos found on the opulent houses of the town (from

The archaeological site with the modern town behind (from

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