Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Urbino, Italy - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Urbino, Italy

Weather: Intervals of clouds and sunshine, 34/46F.

Route: From Siena 203 km NE on SS715.

Population: 14,786

Significance: If World Heritage Sites are supposed to be like transporting yourself in time back to the time at which they were built, Urbino might be the ideal site - at least when it comes to the Renaissance time period. Urbino's peak came in the 1400's - it was a popular place for artistic people to come during that period. But its popularity didn't last long, which in some ways was fortunate - as we get to enjoy the benefits of benign neglect.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



Overhead view of the walled town (from whc.unesco.org)

The Ducal Palace (from whc.unesco.org)

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