Thursday, December 17, 2020

Brasilia, Brazil - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Brasilia, Brazil

Weather: Partly cloudy early, scattered thunderstorms developing in the afternoon, 67/88F.

Route: From Goias 346 km east on BR-070.

Population: 3,039,444 (2017)
Founded: 1960

Significance: Most of the places we've visited in South America have historical roots from colonial times, but Brasilia is a planned community where nobody lived prior to 1960.  It was designed by urban planner Lucio Costa and many of the major buildings were designed by Oscar Niemeyer. The previous capital was in Rio de Janeiro, but there was a movement to move the capital to the center of the large country of Brazil instead of the coast.



The Metropolitan Cathedral designed by Niemeyer (from

The National Congress building also designed by Niemeyer (from

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