Saturday, December 19, 2020

Porto Velho, Brazil

 Place: Porto Velho, Brazil

Weather: Mixed clouds and sun with scattered thunderstorms, 74/88F.

Route: From Noel Kempff Mercado National Park 764 km NW on BR-364.

Population: 519,531 (2018)

Places to visit: Memorial Rondon o Marechal da Paz, Parque Natural de Porto Velho, Santo Antonio de Padua Chapel, Catedral Sagrado Coracao de Jesus, Museu Ferroviario, Palacio Getulio Vargas, Museu Internacional do Prespio, Museu Geologico do Estado de Rondonia.


Aerial view of downtown and the Madeira River (from

Parque Natural trail where the website states that if you're lucky you might see monkeys (from

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