Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Leptis Magna, Libya - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Leptis Magna, Libya

Weather: Sunny, 50/65F.

Route: From Saint Catherine's Monastery 2,371 km west on Route 40 and International Coastal Road. 

Significance: I think this is the first time that a route takes more than a day. I'll still try to keep this to a minimum, but it will certainly happen in the late winter when I travel to the South Pacific.  The other thing making today's visit unrealistic is that it is in Libya is too dangerous to visit unfortunately.  However, this place is simply too magnificent to ignore on a trip such as this.  It was one of the most beautiful cities in the Roman Empire and after its demise the sands covered it - protecting it. There is still some 70% of the city under the sand today.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



The marketplace (from

The theater with Mediterranean in the background (from

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