Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Jamestown, VA

Place: Jamestown, VA
Weather: Showers 56/71F
Route: From Roanoke Island 155 miles NNW on US-158 W to NC/VA-168 N to I-64 N.
Established: 1607
Significance: First permanent English settlement in North America. It was the capital of the colony of Virginia until 1699, when it moved to nearby Williamsburg (where Kendra and I had our honeymoon).  It was a tough sledding at the beginning however - 80% of the original colonists died in the first year and almost abandoned the settlement - but they were saved by a ship bringing provisions and new settlers. Jamestown and the surrounding area saw many themes that would continue with European settlement - namely wars with Native Americans and arrival of the first African slaves (brought to the area in in 1619).
Websites: Historic Jamestowne, National Park Service.

The settlement today (from

17th Century drawing of original fort (from


Overview video from

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