Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Bahamas

Place: The Bahamas
Weather: Mostly Sunny, 73/85F
Route: Our first trip outside the US! From Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale there are twice daily ferries to Freeport on Grand Bahama. The ferry takes approximately 2 hours 30 minutes.  The Bahamas are relatively spread out. Most of the sites I link to here are actually in Nassau, which is 100 miles south of Freeport - to get there from Florida, especially for a day trip - it's probably best to take a plane. 
Population: 385,637 (2018)
Popular Places to visit: Pirates of Nassau Museum, Pompey Museum of Slavery & Emancipation, Fort Charlotte.
Nonfiction books: 
Riley, Sandra. Homeward Bound: A History of the Bahama Islands to 1850 with a Definitive Study of Abaco in the American American Loyalist Plantation Period.
Keegan, William. The People Who Discovered Columbus: A Prehistory of the Bahamas
Curry, Christopher. Freedom and Resistance: A Social History of Black Loyalists in the Bahamas.

Fort Charlotte (from historynassau.wordpress.com)

Government House with statue of Christopher Columbus (from bahamas.gov.bs)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben! I went to HS with Kendra and have serious wanderlust. This is a fantastic blog. For the Bahamas I recommend the Out Islands. Although it requires flying in a very small plane, it's just an amazing way to see how beautiful the islands are and to really get to immerse yourself in the culture. My husband and I went to Long Island, Bahamas just before COVID hit and it was incredible. I would return in a heartbeat, but there are so many other places to see. Thanks for developing this!
