Monday, April 27, 2020

Stagville Historic Site, NC

Place: Stagville Historic Site, NC
Weather: Mostly Sunny, 43/67F
Route: From Charlotte 153 miles ENE on I-85N.
Time period of interest: 18th and 19th centuries
Significance: I haven't visited any plantations yet on my trip. Mostly because many of them are focused on the romanticizing the "old south" - rather than the exploitation of slaves that led to their wealth. Stagville is different in that nobody is going to be taking their wedding pictures in front of the relatively bland looking manor house. However, the plantation was incredibly vast. By 1860 the plantation was over 30,000 acres and had 900 slaves. The current site focuses on the lives of the slaves, including still standing dwellings. 
Websites: Stagville Foundation, North Carolina Historic Site.


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