Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Mobile, AL

Place: Mobile, Alabama
Weather: Isolated Thunderstorms - 72/90F
Route: 144 miles ENE on I-10

Population: 189,572 (2018)
Nicknames: The Port City, Azalea City, The City of Six Flags
Popular Places to Visit: USS Alabama, GulfQuest - National Maritime Museum of the Gulf of Mexico, Mobile Botanical Gardens, Mobile Carnival Museum, History Museum of Mobile.

Nonfiction books: 
Gould, Elizabeth. From Fort to Port: An Architectural History of Mobile, Alabama, 1711-1918.
Hoffman, Roy. Back Home: Journey Through Mobile.
Wilson, Edward. Why We Are Here: Mobile and the Spirit of a Southern City.
Robinson, Kenneth. Port City Crusader: John LeFlore and the Non-partisan Voter League in Mobile, Alabama.

Downtown (from

Azaleas (photo by Carmen Sisson in

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