Sunday, April 4, 2021

Turin, Italy - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Turin, Italy

Weather: Intervals of clouds and sunshine, 44/56F.

Route: From Genoa 179 km NW on A7, E62, E70.

Population: 849,795

Places to visit: Museo Egizio, Basilica of Superga, Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile, Palazzo Reale, Parco del Valentino, Museo Pietro Micca, Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento, Museo Lavazza, Museo d'Arte Orientale, Palazzo Madama.

Significance: Turin was home to the House of Savoy - one of the most powerful royal families in the 16th-19th centuries. The UNESCO designation is specific to their residences found both in Turin and the surrounding countryside.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site


Central Turin with the Alps in the distance (from

Royal hunting lodge of Stupinigi (from

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