Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Darien National Park, Panama - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Darien National Park, Panama

Weather: Scattered thunderstorms, 75/85F

Route: From Panama City 282 km SE on route 1.

Significance: It is literally the end of the road.  One can drive from the Arctic Circle in Canada or Alaska all the way to just Yaviza, Panama - but there the road ends. Darien National Park has no roads that lead to neighboring Columbia. Its animals and native peoples are largely undisturbed. There are over 150 species of mammals including jaguars, spider monkeys, and giant anteaters. Over 530 species of birds, such as the great green macaw and harpy eagle.  The dense jungle takes over to form the southern border of the North American continent.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site


The main way of transport in Darien National Park (from whc.unesco.org)

The endangered Harpy Eagle (from almatravelcentre.com.au)

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