Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Quirigua, Guatemala - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Quirigua, Guatemala

Weather: Thunderstorms likely, 71/89F.

Route: From Tikal 324 km SSE on CA-13 and CA-9.

Significance: Another site showing the glory of the Mayan civilization - Quirigua is known for large stone monuments, called stelae, which tells stories of the city state with representations of Mayan kings and important dates, eclipses etc.  The area was inhabited for 700 years from 200-900 CE. The river nearby was also an important area for jade production, which was the most valuable material throughout the Mayan world.



One of the stelae - detail shows representation of Mayan king (from whc.unesco.org)

Large etched monoliths (from whc.unesco.org)

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