Sunday, October 4, 2020

Palenque, Mexico - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Ancient Mayan City of Palenque

Weather: Cloudy with showers, 69/83F

Route: From Oaxaca 809 km on 135D.

Significance: Palenque is a mid-sized Mayan site, but it has stunning architecture and was the first site where a Mayan king was found buried in a pyramid.  It was overtaken by jungle after it was abandoned in the 9th century - so it has been very well preserved and it is estimated that only 10% of the buildings have actually been excavated.

Websites: UNESCO World Heritage Site, INAH



Temple and watchtower (from

Temple of the Inscriptions, where Pakal the Great's tomb was found (from

Pakal the Great's jade death mask - on display in Mexico City (from

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