Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Chan Chan Archaeological Zone, Peru - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Chan Chan Archaeological Zone, Peru

Weather: Partly cloudy, 60/68F.

Route: From Chiclayo 208 km on 1N.

Significance: Chan Chan was the capital of the Chimu Kingdom, which was at it's height in the 15th century. It fell to the Incas just before the Spanish invasion. The city was made of adobe bricks - the largest earthen built city in pre-Columbian America - and shows a high degree of planning and zoning. There were intricate gold jewelry found at the site and there are many decorations on the structures.  The site is on UNESCO's endangered list because the adobe easily deteriorates. 



Walls with holes to promote air flow (from

Friezes decorate many of the walls (from

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