Sunday, November 15, 2020

Historic Center of Lima, Peru - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Historic Center of Lima, Peru

Weather: Partly cloudy, 61/78F.

Route: From Caral-Supe 174 km south on 1N.

Significance: Lima was founded by Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro in 1535. The University of San Marcos was founded in 1551 - meaning that Lima had a university 70 years before the English landed on Plymouth Rock. Although there have been several earthquakes in Lima - there are still many impressive buildings remaining from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries here.  Many of the buildings were constructed in cooperation between local builders and Spanish architects and artisans. Lima has 9 million inhabitants (second largest population in South America) and is a very modern city - which I will focus on tomorrow.



The Cathedral of Lima - completed in 1649 (from

Government Palace of Peru (from

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