Thursday, November 19, 2020

Cuzco, Peru - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Cuzco, Peru

Weather: Variable clouds with thunderstorms, 43/63F.

Route: From Machu Picchu 203 km on 28B, 110, 3S.

Population: 428,450 (2017)
Nickname: The Navel of the World

Significance: Cuzco was the capital of the Inca empire in the 15th century, although it had over 3,000 years of occupation prior to that. In the 16th century the Spanish conquered the city. They left the city design mostly untouched - although they built baroque buildings over the Incan architecture. Today it is the base for tourists visiting Machu Picchu and other Incan sites.



The Cathedral and mountains behind (from

An example of the well constructed Incan walls found throughout the city (from

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