Friday, November 27, 2020

Potosi, Bolivia - UNESCO World Heritage Site

 Place: Potosi, Bolivia

Weather: Partly cloudy with afternoon showers or thunderstorms, 40/62F.

Route: From Sucre 155 km SW on 5.

Population: 174,973 (2012)

Nickname: Imperial City

Significance: Officially the industrial revolution started in the mid 18th century - but there were complex industrial processes occurring here to extract silver in the mid 16th century. The town was founded in 1545 and quickly became a center for silver extraction. There was a period of time when over half the silver production in the world was from the mountain in this city.  By the early 17th century the population was over 200,000 people.  Most of the laborers were native people who were forced to work the mines by the Spanish.

Website: UNESCO World Heritage Site



The mountain that produced all that silver above the city (from

The church of San Lorenzo (from

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