Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Nazca Lines, Peru - UNESCO World Heritage Site

Place: Nazca Lines, Peru

Weather:  Partly cloudy skies, 56/81F.

Route: From Lima 420 km south on 1S.

Significance: From 500 BC to 500 CE people scratched these incredibly large lines and geometric shapes in the ground - which can only be fully appreciated from the air.  Of course this has led to theories of ancient air balloons or even proof of aliens.  It is one of the more intriguing mysteries of ancient civilizations. The most likely explanation is that these lines and shapes were important in regards to water sources in this arid area. The animals represented are mostly those that were seen just before or just after rain.  The Nazca people may have walked along the lines as they prayed for rain.



A glyph in the shape of a hummingbird (from whc.unesco.org)

A glyph in the shape of a condor (from machutravelperu.com)

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